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purchase metformin Later on Nucky meets with Narcisse, to tell him Chalky wants a sit-down and safe passage, but he hints that Narcisse can take Chalky out: ???This just has to be over.??? When Narcisse and Chalky do meet in the Onyx Club, Narcisse wants to exchange Chalky???s daughter Maybelle (who Narcisse has taken hostage) for the ??location of Daughter Maitland. But he doesn???t know that Richard Harrow, on Nucky???s orders, is waiting up in the rafters of the club to shoot Narcisse. But Richard fires just as Maybelle arrives at the table, and he accidentally kills her instead. A shootout breaks out in the club, and Richard is shot several times as people flee the club, including Chalky. While we discover that Nucky truly did have Chalky???s back, his plans to get rid of Narcisse fail.